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Boldyn Networks for higher education releases landmark campus connectivity survey highlighting the critical role of reliable internet in student success

October 22, 2024 | Austin, TX

Survey reveals 85% of students experience connectivity issues, impacting both academic performance and well-being

Boldyn Networks for Higher Education, the leading provider of managed technology services for colleges and universities, today released the findings of a comprehensive survey that underscores the critical importance of reliable campus connectivity for student success. The survey, conducted among thousands of students across various colleges in the United States, reveals significant insights into how connectivity issues affect academic performance and overall student well-being.

The report, titled "Top of the class or a failing grade? What college students really think about campus connectivity", serves as a critical resource for IT and network administrators at higher education institutions, offering insights into the growing demands for robust connectivity on campuses and the consequences of failing to meet these expectations. The findings highlight the need for colleges and universities to invest in and prioritize network infrastructure to support the modern student experience.

Key Findings:

  • Ubiquitous Connectivity Across Campus is "Table Stakes": A staggering 84% of students living in residence halls consider reliable internet access as essential as campus safety and academic quality.
  • Connectivity Issues Impact Student Success: Despite its importance, 85% of students have experienced connectivity problems in the past year, with 86% reporting that these issues have negatively impacted their schoolwork.
  • Student Dissatisfaction: Only 25% of students expressed high satisfaction with their current campus connectivity, and a mere 13% believe it is consistently reliable.
  • Increased Bandwidth Demands: Nearly all students (99%) bring multiple devices to campus, with 23% connecting four or more devices at once, driving a steady increase in bandwidth demand on college campuses.
  • Students Expect an Experience Equal to What They Have at Home: The survey reveals that 27% of students feel their internet experience on campus is worse than at home, highlighting a significant gap between expectations and reality.
  • Financial Risks of Poor Connectivity: The survey suggests that 11% of students would consider moving off campus due to unreliable internet, indicating potential financial losses for universities if connectivity issues persist.

"Reliable connectivity is no longer a luxury but a necessity for today's students," said Scott Drossos, CEO of Boldyn Networks for Higher Education. "This survey underscores the vital role that internet access plays in academic success and student well-being. We are committed to partnering with institutions to close the gap between student expectations and their actual experiences on campus."

The report highlights significant challenges faced by students due to unreliable internet connections across campuses. Students reported difficulties in completing assignments, accessing school materials, and even facing disruptions during exams due to inconsistent Wi-Fi.

One student remarked, "Sometimes getting my work done is very hard when the internet is slow or not working. If it doesn't work in my residence hall I need to move to another location and my residence hall is a 20-minute walk away from the main campus. Certain buildings do not get data service so when Wi-Fi is down there is no way to access school materials."

The report emphasizes the need for continuous investment in network infrastructure to support the ever-growing number of devices and data-intensive applications used by students. It highlights a number of actions college CIOs can take, including:

  • Prioritize Reliable and Consistent Connectivity: With 84% of students in residence halls considering reliable internet essential, universities must invest in infrastructure upgrades to ensure high-speed – that isn't just present in resident halls, but consistent across campus.
  • Address Increased Bandwidth Demands: To accommodate the growing number of devices, universities should enhance connectivity capacity. Universities should optimize their networks to support bandwidth-intensive activities like streaming, gaming, and virtual meetings, ensuring a seamless experience for students – as student expectations will only increase.
  • Increase Transparency and Communication: With over a third of students believing their university is under-investing in connectivity, colleges should communicate their efforts and future plans to improve network performance, building trust and positioning themselves as a true partner who cares about the student experience.
  • Invest in Network Management Tools: Universities should leverage advanced network management tools for real-time insights into connectivity issues, enabling swift resolution and improving the student experience – and find technology partners who share this approach.

To read the full report, please see here.