La unidad de negocio de redes privadas de Cellnex, que incluye EDZCOM, fue adquirida por Boldyn Networks el 1 de marzo de 2024. Posicionando a Boldyn como el socio neutral host de elección en el creciente mercado de redes privadas y ampliando nuestra cartera de soluciones inalámbricas. Más información.

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What we do

Soluciones de conectividad de vanguardia

We help make cities smarter. Deliver better tenant and guest experiences. Connect commuters on the go. With advanced neutral host network infrastructure and end-to-end solutions tailored to your needs.

What is a neutral host?

A neutral host builds, finances and operates shared communication infrastructure for multiple network operators. Delivering reliable connectivity for cities, venues and businesses without the major upfront costs.

Spotlight projects

We’re building an interconnected future around the world. For a bustling public transport network. For a major entertainment venue. For an ancient capital city. For an active military base. And more.

Explore our solutions

We offer tailored connectivity services and solutions to meet your specific needs.

Solutions by industry

Public transportation to commercial offices, college campuses to military bases. We provide connectivity solutions for every industry, everywhere.

Solutions by technology

From Wi-Fi and fibre to small cells and DAS, we have the technology solutions and hands-on experience to deliver the connectivity you need.


We offer a range of expert services to help meet your connectivity needs, from connectivity as a service to full-time network management.

Reach your connectivity goals with Boldyn Networks

Reach out today to discuss your next project and find out how we can help you reach your connectivity goals.