La unidad de negocio de redes privadas de Cellnex, que incluye EDZCOM, fue adquirida por Boldyn Networks el 1 de marzo de 2024. Posicionando a Boldyn como el socio neutral host de elección en el creciente mercado de redes privadas y ampliando nuestra cartera de soluciones inalámbricas. Más información.

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What is a neutral host?

Shared infrastructure is the future of connectivity

We’re a neutral host. We build and manage network infrastructure that multiple operators can use at once. Delivering reliable connectivity to organisations and businesses at lower cost and with less risk.

What you need to know about neutral hosts

What is a neutral host? How does it work? Who benefits? Your questions about neutral hosts, answered.

What is a neutral host?

In a neutral hosting model, a single company finances, designs, builds and operates connectivity infrastructure, and then leases it to mobile network operators and other service providers. This is different from the traditional model, where individual operators build their own infrastructure. 

Why the need for neutral hosting? The traditional model often leads to redundancy in some areas and no service at all in others. It’s more expensive, takes up more room, uses more energy and provides less consistent coverage. 

With a neutral host, the infrastructure only needs to be built once. Multiple carriers can use it to deliver services to their own customers. Even in areas where space is at a premium. Even in remote or rural areas with smaller subscriber bases. Even under extreme or challenging conditions. 

At Boldyn Networks, neutral hosting is what we do.

Who benefits from a neutral host?

Everyone. Mobile, fixed and virtual network operators can expand their services cost effectively and energy efficiently — which creates opportunities to empower organisations of all kinds with high-performance connectivity. For example, governments can provide smarter, more integrated services to residents. Sports and entertainment venues can offer more exciting and immersive experiences for fans. Real estate developers and property owners can provide reliable in-building wireless connectivity that helps attract and retain higher-calibre tenants.

 That all means that wherever they go, and whatever they want to do, users get better, more personalised servicesand enhanced experiences. No matter who they’re subscribed to.

Ready to see what a neutral host can do for you?

We have the expertise to design, build and operate shared infrastructure that works for everyone. Let’s talk about how we can support your project.