The Cellnex Private Networks business including Edzcom has been acquired by Boldyn Networks on 1 March 2024. Positioning Boldyn as the neutral host partner of choice in the growing private networks market and widening our portfolio of wireless solutions. Learn more.

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Game changing infrastructure for mobile network operators

Our unique partnership with Transport for London (TfL) provides access to circa 80,000 street assets and with a significant fibre build underway across the capital, Boldyn’s new digital infrastructure can provide large scale roll-out of small cells across the capital, boosting capacity where its needed most.

To learn more about how this infrastructure can benefit your organisation, request a meeting with one of our connectivity experts.

What this means for MNOs

Our small cell rollout is well underway, offloading significant amounts of traffic from the macro network, creating multiple opportunities to boost customer experience across the capital. As Boldyn’s new digital infrastructure extends, new neutral host opportunities will also emerge to expand coverage and capacity into more of London’s key iconic venues.
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A unique partnership, creating a unique opportunity for mobile network operators

In 2021, Boldyn Networks entered into a ground breaking concession with Transport for London (TfL) that allows use of the TfL assets such as tunnels and stations, and thousands of street-level assets such as fibre ducts, bus shelters and lighting columns to provide new high speed, high capacity reliable mobile and fibre connectivity. Download our TfL case study.

5G densification report

Neutral hosts: The answer to 5G densification in delivering an interconnected future. Download our report to find out how.

Request a meeting with one of our connectivity experts.