The Cellnex Private Networks business including Edzcom has been acquired by Boldyn Networks on 1 March 2024. Positioning Boldyn as the neutral host partner of choice in the growing private networks market and widening our portfolio of wireless solutions. Learn more.

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Game changing connectivity for sports and entertainment venues

In a unique partnership with Transport for London (TfL), Boldyn are bringing new high speed, high capacity, multi-operator mobile connectivity into London’s underground tube stations. This same infrastructure can be extended into your venues to unlock new revenue streams, create new operational efficiencies, improve safety and take your visitor experience to the next elevel.

To learn more about how this infrastructure can benefit your organisation, request a meeting with one of our connectivity experts.

Stadiums of the future whitepaper

Download our whitepaper to learn more about the tech enablers to create the stadium of the future

Request a meeting with one of our connectivity experts.