The Cellnex Private Networks business including Edzcom has been acquired by Boldyn Networks on 1 March 2024. Positioning Boldyn as the neutral host partner of choice in the growing private networks market and widening our portfolio of wireless solutions. Learn more.

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The four-layer smart city model

This infographic breaks down the elements that make a place smart. From foundational infrastructure that provides the backbone of connectivity to the data analysis that unlocks real-world solutions.


A ‘layered cake’ recipe for smart places

In this blog, Andrew Conway, Group Director Technology Strategy, deep dives into the four-layer smart city model. He demystifies the concept even further by using Sunderland as an example and a layered cake as an analogy to create smart places.

Building smart places

Our new whitepaper, 'Building smart places', is a practical guide packed with actionable strategies, insights and real-world examples to help you unlock the transformative power of connectivity in your own community. Follow us on this journey through London, New York, and Sunderland, and join us in building a connected future. Today.